Food Print Testing (IgG)

Why test for food sensitivities?

The majority of reactions to food are due to food sensitivities rather than food allergies. Although rarely life-threatening, food sensitivities can be the source of many health issues that can affect an individual's quality of life. Symptoms can range from headaches to fatigue, sinus issues, hives and nausea just to name a few. Sensitivities to certain foods can develop at any stage in a person's life and may affect people differently. Many individuals live with symptoms for years, never suspecting their health issues are a result of sensitivities to the foods they are eating. We offer different levels of food sensitivity tests. You can choose how many foods you would like tested based on diet and suspected intolerances.

60 Foods: The 60 Foods test will provide information on all the most common food-sensitivity culprits: Cow's milk, eggs, grains and gliadin, nuts and shellfish. This test provides a snapshot of potential reactivity to the most commonly consumed foods.

100 Food: This test goes into more specific foods including goat and sheep milk. The 100 food test also includes a larger variety of fish, fruit and vegetables and nuts . This test is suitable for those with a more varied diet or if the most common foods have been eliminated as a potential source of food sensitvity.

200 Foods: This is the most comprehensive panel of over 200 different foods, including more specialised foods such as alpha and beta lactoalbumin, transglutaminase and processed foods such as polenta. This test will provide information on a large variety of fish/ seafood, fruit and vegetables, a variety of grains and legumes alongside various other food groups, giving a much broader food sensitivity profile.